Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Monastery

I've gone exploring my monastery. I've made a few interesting discoveries.
A completely open and fully screened balcony on the third floor. No mosquito which is great. I have my tea and work on sketches in here too. Since my arrival, I have slowly been converting to tea drinking as I have yet to find coffee to my liking. I'm just not into the prolific tim hortons of the town. I've tried the local coffee joint and it's fine but quite out of the way without a car. I didn't bother lugging my stove top espresso maker...a luxury I'll cherish at home. 
 There is an auditorium room on the main floor with taxidermy birds on the window ledge.
Found an oven! This is a bonus as the kitchenette connected to my suite on the top floor has a refrigerator but no oven and I was figuring out what to do for food prep. You gotta dig a kitchen with full-on vending machines. It's gonna be an interesting project to prep the food in the kitchenette with the fridge upstairs and then carry downstairs what needs to be cooked. At least I'll always have snacks handy if I'm in jam.
 Oh! Wait! There is yet another vending machine in the kitchen. Check out this image...English cups, Italian coffee maker, American 1950's sugar dispenser and outside the French country window are the Canadian Rockies. Gotta love it, but I'm still converting to tea these days. 

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