Friday, September 16, 2011

Piecing elements together

This week I did some collage, sketches and tinkered with a mysterious surgical instrument. I have been mostly absorbing the layered elements of my surroundings and meeting many people in varied hospital departments.

It often goes unnoticed just how many people work in a hospital doing such varied jobs. This week I've met the equipment engineer who fixes lifts and chairs and makes adjustment to various electrical equipment. The Art Therapist came by my studio and introduced herself. Then I met the person who inspects, tallies and either gets repaired or discards all the surgical instruments that might have some damage or wear 'n tear. There was also the hospital purchaser of various things like tubing, masks, gloves, test tubes and other lab and surgical necessities and the list goes on forever of all things hospital. I met the folks in Environmental Services who take care of the cleaning of everything and clearing bio hazard wastes and ensuring clean linen. I find the cooks here great and also very kind. Then there's departments themselves each with specialty staff such as.....Ortho, Forensics, Medical Imagery, Psychiatry, ICU, Emergency....and of course the administration and information technologies of the entire place. Everyone I met had a smile and was willing to spare me some of their time to show me a bit of what they do. I felt at once very honored and humbled to be introduced to all these people as the artist in residence.

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